Category: Crafty Catharsis Gets Verbose

  • Ain’t Gonna Keep this Girl Down!

    Once the big Christmas rush was over, I dug out the hubs old wood burning kit and gave it a whirl! No definite project in mind, just trying my hand. Just doodles and learning how to handle the tips…  Pretty simple – it’s easier if the grain of the wood is very small, but I…

  • Wanna hear musings of a rambling crafter? A Blog for Crafty Catharsis…

    I enjoy sharing my passion for creating and hope you’ll enjoy hearing about it.  It all started with a blog about crafting about three years ago and never got very far. My plan is to post once a month, but may vary by events, orders, etc…  you never know, I might spill a few “DIYs,” “helpful hints” and maybe a…